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來自以色列的獨立品牌Galisfly,由藝術家Gal Vardi於2012年創立,影像製作的背景,最新一系列超現實鏡子設計Reflectorz,把鏡子當是一件藝術品,隨著光影變幻,作品大膽創新。

Artist-designer Gal Vardi draws inspiration from reflections both in the physical world and its' online echoes. Each of her work becomes a one-of-a-kind experience influenced by the light and surroundings in which it is located. Her exhibitions create a 360 degree environment including mirror-play, light design, video art and original soundtracks. Her brand “Galisfly” captures the essence of her exhibitions through the Reflectorz, objects that create a unique art experience in anyone’s private space. They are designed to reflect a colourful picture of reality. Galisfly’s studio is in Tel Aviv, Israel, and her art is displayed and distributed globally.

